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IELTS Reading Question Type
True, False, Not Given

Watch the video on how to answer True, False, Not Given reading question type.












  • True, False, Not Given are used with descriptive texts.

  • Yes, No, Not Given are used with argumentative texts.

  • The instructions ask...

“Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?”

  • You need to decide if the statements are True/Yes, False/No or Not Given and according to the instructions choose....

IELTS True False Not Given

●    There is always at least one True/Yes, False/No, Not Given answer in the set of statements. Therefore, if your answers do not include all the options, you have answered a question or some questions incorrectly. 


IELTS Reading True, False, Not Given Question
  • Statements 11-13 will have one option each.

  • Answers can be found in the order they appear in the text. You will not find the answer to statement 3 before the answer to statement 2. 

  • Always follow the question numbers for the order you will find the answers in the text

  • You can write T instead of True, F instead of False, Y instead of Yes, N instead of No and NG instead of Not Given on your answer sheet. They are all acceptable. 

Understanding the Task

  • The meaning of each option is stated clearly in the instructions (see example above).

  • There is no need to overthink what the options mean.

  • True/Yes: If the information based on information in the passage agrees with/clarifies the statement.

  • False/No: If the information based on information in the passage contradicts/is the opposite of the statement.

  • Not Given: If there is no information/not enough information based on information in the passage to prove it is false or true.



20. The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine.

IELTS Reading Synonyms

Answer False: The FAA was created as a result of an accident


22. Beacons and flashing lights are still used by ATC today.

IELTS Reading True False Not Given

Answer Not Given: Not enough information in the passage to prove that they are used or not being used today. It is neither true nor false.


23. Some improvements were made in radio communications during World War II.

IELTS Reading Paraphrase

Answer True: Radio communication improved during the Second World War.


  • Students tend to focus on the key words in the statement rather than the meaning. 

  • Synonyms of the key words in the statements will mostly be used in the reading text. 

  • Students are usually familiar with the true/false question type but the not given option can be new to them. Therefore, they tend to devote too much time on this, which has a negative effect on time management.

  • There might be a few matching words for the not given option but not enough information to answer the question completely.

  • Students sometimes choose the true or false option when the information in the text is “almost the same” as the statement.

  • Students sometimes use their prior knowledge of a topic when answering. 

Strategies & Tips

  • Speed-read the text first in 4-5 minutes. This will give you an understanding of the text as a whole and knowledge of which information is contained in each paragraph.

  • Read the statements carefully for meaning. Try not to focus on individual words.

  • Synonyms of the key words in the statements will appear in the text. Trying to match words from the statements is not an effective strategy. Think of synonyms for the key words.

  • Answers can be found in the order they appear in the text. Keep reading forward.

  • Try not to spend too long checking the text to be sure the statement is not given. If you have spent a lot of time searching then, most likely, the answer is not given. 

  • Sometimes there will be matching words in the statement and text for the not given option. Matching words do not mean that the answer should be true or false. It can still be not given if a few words match but there is not enough information.

  • Do not choose the true or false option if the information in the text is “almost the same” as the statement.

  • Do not use any prior knowledge of the topic when answering. Answer only according to the information in the text.

  • If this particular question type is causing you problems, practice it more than the others.

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