IELTS Writing Task 2
Advantages and Disadvantages: Sample Answer
Watch the video on how to write the Advantages and Disadvantages essay.
This popular question requires you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a statement. You are NOT asked for your opinion or position and you should never give it in your answer.

Sample Answer

An increasing number of senior citizens in today’s society are not being taken care of by their immediate family; instead, they are residing in care establishments. This essay will analyze the positive and negative aspects of this trend.
On a positive note, elderly peoples’ physical and mental well-being are carefully monitored and evaluated by trained professionals in residential homes. Scientific research clearly identifies that most people over the age of 60 suffer from potentially serious health issues such as cardiovascular diseases. Care facilities, however, have suitably qualified medical personnel and equipment to meet these challenges. Additionally, from a psychological perspective, residents’ mental health is stimulated through living in a community where there is potential for positive camaraderie with like-minded individuals.
On the other hand, there are several drawbacks to elderly people living in nursing homes that affect both themselves and their family members. For instance, being apart from their immediate family, on a daily basis, can result in unpleasant emotions such as feelings of isolation and being undervalued as a family member. The expense of care homes, in addition, can impose a serious financial burden on the family. In my country, for example, a one-month’s stay usually costs 3000 dollars with other charges excluded. Consequently, the majority of people on low incomes usually have no choice but to take care of elderly family members by themselves.
In conclusion, homes for the aged provide geriatric patients with professional medical services that potentially prolong their lives. The challenges, however, include feelings of abandonment amongst residents along with the unmanageable financial costs to their families.
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