The Coherence and Cohesion criterion is exactly the same for General Training and Academic Writing Tasks 1 and 2. The exception is the inclusion of paragraphing in Writing Task 2.
Coherence is how your ideas flow together logically, relevantly and are easily understood.
Examiners are looking for how you have organized you answer into distinct paragraphs and how your ideas are logically supported and expanded.
Cohesion refers the use of cohesive devices or linking phrases and words that connect and show the relationship between parts of sentences and paragraphs.
The sub categories (bullet points) in Coherence and Cohesion are…
Organization of main ideas and progression
This refers to how you clearly and logically organize your main ideas into paragraphs that progress (flow)
Band 7: Information and main ideas are logically organized
Cohesive devices: range and accurate use
Band 7: A range of cohesive devices are used flexibly but with some inaccuracies or some over/under use.
Click on the following link for a list of common cohesive devices.
IELTS Writing: Cohesive Devices
Be sure of the meaning of the cohesive device and how it can be used in a sentence. A reputable dictionary will give you the definition, pronunciation, examples, synonyms, collocation, related words and the CEFR level.
I recommend the Cambridge online dictionary.
Once you are certain of the meaning and how to use them, practice using them when answering the question. Learning lists of isolated cohesive devices is not a useful strategy unless you are sure about the meaning and how they are used in sentences.
Although band 7 says “uses a range of cohesive devices” it’s not necessary to use several in each sentence. Candidates often spend a lot of time memorizing lists of cohesive devices but you don’t need to remember 6 or 7 of them on how to give an example when 2 or 3 is sufficient range.
Most candidates use cohesive devices at the beginning of a sentence. However, you should use these within sentences.
Band 6: cohesion within and/or between sentences. Example:
However, the disadvantages should not be ignored.
The disadvantages however, should not be ignored.
Referencing & substitution
Band 7: reference and substitution is used flexibly
Referencing is using pronouns (it, they, them, this, these… etc.) to avoid repeating what you mentioned earlier. Compare examples A & B…
Example A: When I first tried the speakers, the speaker’s sound quality was very poor. The sound quality had too much treble.
Example B: When I first tried the speakers, their sound quality was very poor. It had too much treble.
Example B is more cohesive in terms of referencing because it uses pronouns rather repeat words mentioned earlier.
Substitution is using synonyms and paraphrase to avoid repeating what you mentioned earlier. Compare examples A & B…
Example A: Soccer players, in my opinion, earn way too much money. I believe that salaries for all footballers should be capped.
Example B: Soccer players, in my opinion, earn way too much money. I believe that salaries for all soccer players should be capped.
Example A is more cohesive in terms of substitution as it doesn’t repeat a word mentioned earlier.
Paragraphs: clear & logical Task 2 ONLY
Band 7: Paragraphing - effective and logical
For how to structure all task 2 question types into clear and logical paragraphs, follow the link.
Writing Task 2: Sample Answers
Even though paragraphing is not included in the task 1 Coherence and Cohesion criterion, you should organize your answer into clear paragraphs.