IELTS Listening Question Types: Short Answer Questions
Short answer questions are quite common in the IELTS Listening test and can appear in any part. The topics are many and varied and always require you to write the answer according to the word limit and the number of answers stated in the instructions.
There are 2 types of short answer questions as shown in the samples below.


Strategies & Tips
SAMPLE B’s instructions say “List THREE advantages”. Referencing nouns such as advantages, disadvantages, features, causes, reasons are common in this question type so you need to be familiar with their meaning.
In SAMPLE B you can write the answers in any order but it is advisable to write them in the order you hear them.
In SAMPLE A, the answers for the questions will be in the same order as the information you hear. Always follow the question numbers for the order you will hear the answers.
Do not change the word you hear in recording. You will hear the exact word you need to write for your answer.

Predict the Answers
When reading the questions, predict the type of word and information you need.
SAMPLE B: The information will be advantages only.
SAMPLE A: Question 29. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?
The answer is most likely an adjective.
I do feel much more confident.
Answer: confident
Paraphrase & Synonyms
Paraphrase and synonyms will be used a lot in this question type.
When reading the questions, highlight the key words and think of synonyms.
SAMPLE B: The key word is advantages. Synonyms can include pros, positives, on the plus side etc.
SAMPLE A: Question 29. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?
Do you feel some sense of achievement?